Monday, 28 August 2017

Bdo stock options

BERITA TERBARU Pemeliharaan Pemeliharaan Mendesak Pemain yang Terhormat, Kami akan melakukan perawatan kami sebagai berikut. Tanggal: Kamis, 23.02.2017 Durasi: 2h Server Down: Server Up: Global 09:00 UTC 11:00 UTC Pantai Barat (NA) 01:00 PST 03:00 PST Pantai Timur (NA) 04:00 EST 06:00 EST Central (UE) 10:00 CET 12:00 CET Alasan: Slot karakter sekarang dapat diperluas menjadi 13 dengan kupon slot karakter Semua serigala kuda yang tersisa tidak terikat. Ikuti kami di TwitterFacebook untuk tetap up2date. Terima kasih atas dukungan dan pengertiannya. Salam Hormat Tim BDO 1487775600 The Secret Society Kerudung dan Lupa dalam Sejarah Salam semua petualang dari Gurun Hitam. Singkat cerita, Dark Knight, kelas baru yang paling dinanti akhirnya sampai. Melacak kembali ke waktu sebelum sejarah mengintip awal Dark Knights dan Rangers. Cari tahu dengan matamu sendiri apa yang ditawarkan Dark Knight di Black Desert dengan kegelapannya yang bercahaya. Sejarah Vedir Pada zaman purba, sebelum sejarah dicatat, pohon suci berdiri di tempat tertinggi di hutan. Dewi Sylvia turun bersama dengan roh alam dan menamai pohon Kamasylve. Energi matahari dan bulan melahirkan Ganelle dan Vedir, yang menerima restu dari Kamasylve. Sambil memelihara anak-anaknya, sang Dewi suatu hari naik kembali ke langit setelah menyegelnya ke Kamasilve, pohon suci. Ganelles dan Vedir yang ditinggalkan ditinggalkan di bawah berkat pohon suci dan makmur menggantikannya. Vedir yang membedakan dirinya. Keturunan Keturunan dari Sylvia Bencana alam yang gelap menyerang suku Kabuya di ujung pegunungan. Itu adalah malapetaka pertama yang menyerang Kamasylvia yang sedang berkembang. Keturunan Sylvia tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk melindungi diri mereka sendiri dan hanya mengandalkan pohon suci. Ganelles dan Vedir terus mengambil alih kekuasaan dari Kamasylve untuk memurnikan roh-roh gelap. Tapi tidak lama lagi mereka bisa mengatasi kegelapan yang meresap dan harus mencari kekuatan yang lebih besar. Vedir bersikeras membakar semua kehendak kehidupan yang tersisa di Kamasylve untuk memaksimalkan kekuatan. Kekuatan kolektif semacam itu sebenarnya cukup merusak untuk mengusir semua kegelapan. Jadi perang dengan roh-roh gelap sampai pada suatu kesimpulan, tapi semua mengeluh dalam kesedihan yang mendalam saat Kamasylve jatuh tertidur setelahnya. Tidak ada lagi energi dan kehidupan di rahim Dewi yang bisa dirasakan. Keturunan Sylvia yang telah merasakan bahaya setuju untuk menyublimkan kekuatan roh-roh alam dari cabang Kamasylve tertua menjadi pedang, menyebut ini Pedang Kamasylven dan saling mengajarkan dalam menangani pedang. Dan inilah saat konflik antara Ganelles dan Vedir mulai melebar. Keturunan Sylvia terbagi menjadi empat faksi mengenai masalah utilitas dan simbolisme Pedang Kamasylven. Acher adalah yang pertama dari keempat faksi yang terbentuk. Akhan menuntut prinsip, hukum, dan ketertiban mutlak. Rangers adalah faksi kedua yang didirikan oleh mereka yang menerima kesadaran Kamasylve, Di mana sejarah dan kemajuan hidup berdampingan. Faksi ketiga, Dark Knights, didirikan oleh Vedir dan pengikut mereka. Seperti Rangers, mereka menerima kesadaran Kamasylve, namun menggunakan metode yang berbeda untuk mengendalikan kekuatan kodrat. The Dark Knights kemudian tertekan oleh sebuah kudeta, yang darinya membentuk sebuah faksi yang memisahkan diri yang dipimpin oleh Vedir yang berbeda. Mereka yang terputus adalah Ahib, yang mencari kekuatan kegelapan. Kegagalan untuk melihat dari mata ke mata, keturunan Sylvia mengalami konflik internal yang menyebabkan perang dingin yang panjang. Inilah saat Ahib melarikan diri ke tanah gersang dan damai sepertinya telah dipulihkan sesaat. Namun, sumber kekuatan di tangan Dark Knights berbeda dengan yang dimiliki Achers and Rangers. Kekuasaan, yang dulu membakar energi Kamasylve, cenderung menghancurkan alam. Kekuatan gelap seperti itu tidak akan pernah bisa diterima di Kamasylvia yang dikuduskan. Pada akhirnya, Dark Knights meninggalkan Kamasylvia atas kemauan mereka sendiri untuk menghindari konflik. Dark Knights menghilang dan belum pernah terlihat sejak saat itu. Sampai. Dark Knight Pendahuluan Dark Knight menggunakan Kriegsmesser yang panjang dan indah untuk memangkas, menyerang, dan mengeluarkan tenaga yang diperoleh dari alam. Meskipun garis miringnya dengan Kriegsmerer itu berat dan tegas, dia juga menunjukkan gerakan tangkas dan tepat. Selain itu, Dark Knight menggunakan berbagai sihir di antara serangan untuk menjatuhkan semua orang yang berdiri di hadapannya. Keterampilan utama Dark Knights, combo alami yang dijabarkan dengan sangat baik, adalah sebagai berikut. Annihilation berulang Kemampuan merek dagang untuk cepat memangkas musuh maksimal 4 kali berturut-turut untuk menimbulkan kerusakan berat. Anda dapat menikmati efek kegelapan yang terbentuk sesuai keinginan Anda menggunakan Kriegsmesser Anda. Corrupt Ground Dark Knight bisa merusak kekuatan roh dan membuatnya menjadi miliknya sendiri. Sebuah keterampilan sihir utama untuk menyerang tanah keras untuk menimbulkan kerusakan luas pada semua orang di sekitar. Wheel of Fortune Slashes musuh sekitarnya keras dan mengetuk mereka turun. Serangan yang paling efektif untuk menjatuhkan musuh di sekitarnya. Komando Imperatif Sebuah keterampilan satu-of-a-kind asli hanya untuk Dark Knight yang meninggalkan tanda khusus pada musuh yang ditargetkan. Musuh yang ditandai akan mengalami kerusakan yang hebat sekali Komando Imperious digunakan. Gambar Ksatria Ksatria Ambillah sneak mengintip Knight Dark yang mempesona melalui gambar Dark Knight yang segera memasuki petualanganmu Terimakasih atas dukungan dan kesabaranmu. Hidupkan kembali kekuatan gelap sekarang 1487862000 Dawn of Naval Warfare: Ekspansi Margoria Halo, Petualang Sekarang Anda telah mengalami pasang surut dan melihat banyak pembaruan dalam perjalanan kita bersama. Apakah Anda ingat pancing pertama Anda untuk garis pantai Velia Sedikit lusuh untuk petualang angkatan laut yang dipersiapkan sepenuhnya seperti dirimu sendiri. Tenang Tunggu Tidak ada lagi Laut yang luas penuh gairah dan petualangan akhirnya terbuka di Black Desert. Dawn of Naval Warfare: Ekspansi Margoria telah tiba Setel layar Anda tinggi dan melihat ke cakrawala jauh Semua akan kagum pada keindahan berkilau yang dihadirkan di depan Anda. Dawn of Naval Warfare: Ekspansi Margoria Update Utama Ada banyak konten baru dan khusus yang bergabung dengan Black Desert Online dari update ini. Buka mata Anda lebar dan selami untuk mencari tahu sekarang Kawasan Baru, Laut Margoria dan Pelabuhan Ratt Laut Margoria yang baru dibuka dengan bangga disajikan dengan area seluas sama dengan semua area yang diperkenalkan sebelumnya. Di samudera luas, nikmati monster laut raksasa, menangkap kehidupan laut baru, dan tinggal dalam pertempuran angkatan laut yang mengesankan. Laut besar lebih besar dari yang terlihat sebelumnya. Bertahan angin kencang dan ombak laut untuk menemukan benua baru Haso menunggu petualang seperti dirimu. Akses ke benua terbatas untuk sementara waktu tapi Anda bisa berlabuh di Port Ratt di pantai dan menikmati penawaran perdagangan yang murah hati yang akan menghasilkan banyak uang. Port Ratt terletak tak jauh dari tanah Haso. Jadilah terpukau oleh arsitektur Oriental yang unik New Mounts, Galley and Trader Sekarang Anda dapat membuat kapal Galley dan Trader Anda sendiri dari Dermaga Guild yang baru ditambahkan di Rumah Persekutuan. Jika Anda anggota serikat, Anda dapat mengendalikan roda kemudi atau meriam api dan menambahkan berbagai bagian untuk memperkuat dan menghias kapal Anda. Galley Baru dirancang dengan sempurna untuk pertempuran angkatan laut Galley adalah kapal yang berpusat pada pertempuran yang memasang 8 meriam yang paling menakutkan di laut. Gunung ini banyak digunakan dalam memburu monster laut atau terlibat dalam pertempuran laut. Kapasitas penumpang maksimal adalah 10. Meskipun kekuatan menyerang agak rendah, Pedagang memiliki daya tahan yang besar dan ruang penyimpanan yang besar. Pedagang, seperti namanya, dirancang untuk diperdagangkan melalui laut. Pedagang dapat bertahan banyak berat badan dan memiliki penyimpanan yang cukup besar untuk mengangkut rampasan laut atau barang-barang yang dapat diperdagangkan, namun mereka relatif lemah dalam pertempuran dengan hanya 2 meriam yang dilengkapi. Isi Merek Baru, Perdagangan Laut dan Pelayaran Perdagangan melalui laut memerlukan pelayaran terampil untuk menghindari semua bahaya di laut termasuk monster laut dan kapal bajak laut yang sangat besar, yang, pada gilirannya, akan membawa keuntungan besar mengingat semua bahaya dan upaya yang dilakukan. Silvers yang diperoleh dari perdagangan Melalui laut akan terikat pada gildamu. Karakter yang berlayar di Laut Margoria atau memburu monster laut yang berada di dalamnya akan belajar Berlayar. Jika tingkat berlayar meningkat, Anda dapat melakukan keterampilan yang berguna untuk mengendalikan Galley atau Trader dengan baik. Laut akan menjadi milikmu untuk mengambil Karakter dengan kemampuan berlayar tinggi akan menjadi teman Anda yang paling tepercaya di laut Waspadalah terhadap Bahaya Baru, Monster Laut Kolosal Jumlah monster laut raksasa sedang menunggu untuk menyerang Anda di antara ombak. Monster laut raksasa yang diidentifikasi sebelumnya adalah Candidum, yang disebut White Ghost, Hekaru yang menelan semua dalam satu tegukan, Black Rust dengan tulang rahang baja, Nineshark dengan penampilan mengerikan yang membuat semua gemetar ketakutan, dan the Ocean Stalker yang misterius. . Akan sangat bodoh jika mengambil monster raksasa ini di atas sebuah perahu layar kecil. Serangan normal tidak akan efektif dan hanya serangan meriam dari Galley atau Trader yang harus digunakan untuk menurunkannya. Berhati-hatilah Kehadiran dan kekuatan mereka akan melampaui semua harapan. Dengan tantangan besar datanglah hadiah besar. Ingin menguji keberuntungan Anda Petualangan Baru, Undersea Explorations Pantai benua telah mengungkapkan terowongan yang bagus atau terowongan bawah laut dan karang yang indah untuk memikat petualang apapun. Cobalah mengumpulkan air dan mengambil kehidupan laut yang paling tak terduga sambil mendapatkan pengetahuan khusus. Reruntuhan bawah laut kuno dan peti harta karun misterius akan merangsang semua keingintahuan. Tapi pastikan Anda siap untuk mendorong dan menangani. Siapkan pakaian Splat Fishers Anda atau Da-Dum Da-Dum Diving Suits Laut terlalu luas juga menjelajah pastikan Anda tidak terdampar dan tahu tempat Anda. Peta Wisatawan dan kompas dapat sering membantu Anda. Laut menunggu untuk mengungkapkan pemandangan yang paling indah. Carilah pencarian kapal harta karun yang hilang Dawn of Naval Warfare: Margoria Expansion Preview Margoria Expansion memiliki tawaran lebih dari yang Anda lihat sejauh ini. Petualangan laut yang penuh warna dan mistik akan dipresentasikan tapi ini baru permulaan. Gurun Hitam akan terus memberikan usaha penuh untuk memuaskan dahaga Anda akan petualangan hebat. Kami hanya meminta perhatian dan antisipasi Anda. Terima kasih seperti biasa 1486054800 Witch Wizard Awakening Update Salam petualang. Kumpulan terakhir dari terbangun akhirnya sampai di dunia Black Desert Online Witch and Wizard sekarang dapat berkomunikasi dengan kekuatan primal dari unsur-unsur melalui senjata baru mereka, Aad Sphera dan Godr Sphera. Kombinasi hebat dari petir bumi, dan air api menanti Anda Witch Awakening Weapon Combat Trailer Magnificent and elegant Lihatlah combo keterampilan sihir yang luar biasa dan pemelihara penjaga. Sebuah masyarakat pengetahuan, orang bijak dari Labreve, sebuah organisasi Penyihir yang menyenangkan dan berkembang. . Seorang visioner berbakat bernama Deneve memupuk kelompok tersebut untuk mendorong batasan. Biarkan imajinasi mereka berkembang dan melambung, bertanya, menarik dan bereksperimen. Usaha mereka menghasilkan buah, buah usaha. Sebuah kemajuan ajaib bernama Aads Pharos. Berita seru, Teleport ada disini Tapi seterusnya dia pergi, Deneve tidak pernah berhenti. Dalam situasi apa pun dia tidak akan bertanya. Menuju dimensi yang berbeda, dengan sukacita dia melompat. Di sana dia membuat penemuan yang menakjubkan, mengagumkan, tapi tidak terlalu mengagetkan. Jejak kaki yang luar biasa dari sejarah multi dimensi. Dia harus mengejar, begitulah keinginannya. Awakening Weapon Combat Trailer Hati-hati dengan gerakan berbahaya dari Wizard, bebas beralih antara api dan air Guru yang Paling Terhormat, Semoga surat ini bisa Anda temukan dengan baik. Bagaimana yang telah Anda lakukan akhir-akhir ini Seperti yang mungkin sudah Anda ketahui, keadaan sudah sangat sibuk. Saya khawatir bahwa pikiran besar Anda mungkin terlalu terganggu karena semua ini. Biarkan saya menghemat waktu berharga Anda, jika mungkin. Rencana kami berhasil. Penyihir muda, yang biasanya pergi dengan julukan Lord Red, dilenyapkan dan muncul kembali di dimensi lain. Yang mengherankan kami, kami tidak perlu mengangkat satu jari pun, karena harga diri dan kekuatannya yang besar telah membuat kami bekerja untuk kami. Betapa pemborosan bakat. Dia adalah penyihir paling berbakat yang pernah ada di dunia ini, namun kesombongan dan ambisinya membuatnya pada akhirnya. Begitulah saya menilai kejadian ini. Guru terkasih dan paling dihormati, Hari orang-orang Rawa mengamuk sangat mengerikan. Apakah Anda ingat ketika Red menemukan bentuk baru dari gigi ajaib yang disebut Sphera Betapa sebuah keajaiban. Tapi Sphera tipe api adalah masalahnya. Kekuasaannya terlalu besar untuk ditangani oleh siapapun. Red entah bagaimana bisa mengelolanya, tapi tidak lama. Seperti yang kita semua tahu, Red benar-benar kehilangan akal ketika dia mencoba mengendalikan seluruh Gord-Ayed Tier menggunakan api Sphera itu. Tapi yakinlah, Guru yang paling mengagumkan. Lord Red tidak lagi dia telah menghilang ke dimensi lain. Tekanan dan tekanan yang dia hadapi pasti ada banyak kekuatannya, dan masa mudanya. Saya mendengar bahwa Penyihir muda brilian dari Labreve telah berhasil melakukan teleport dan memasuki dimensi lain. Aku agak khawatir Red bisa bertemu dengan Penyihir itu. Dia penuh dengan keingintahuan murni, persis seperti dulu. Saya hanya berharap Penyihir tidak menghidupkan kembali keingintahuan yang sekarat itu dalam pikiran Lord Reds. Kita tidak bisa lagi kehilangan talenta hebat itu, dapatkah Guru TercayangKu, saya sudah melakukan ini secara pribadi, tapi sekali lagi, selamat atas masa pemerintahan Tier Godr-Ayed. Perjamuan peringatan yang akan saya siapkan sudah dekat. Aku akan menghitung hari sampai saat itu. Saya harap Anda menyukai King of Jungle Hamburg Setia Hormat, Tangan Kanan Anda P. S. Elang memiliki telur. Penyihir Awakening Skills Witchs Awakening skill terdiri dari skill sulap yang kuat berdasarkan unsur bumi dan petir. Panggil beberapa penjaga yang andal, dan Penyihir Anda harus memiliki berbagai pilihan tempur di tangannya. Dengan senjata kebangkitan baru, Penyihir benar-benar bisa menyapu medan perang dengan keterampilan yang mengerikan. Tidak seperti keterampilan staf yang ada, kemampuan membangunkan dengan menggunakan Sphera memiliki waktu casting yang relatif singkat, memungkinkan Penyihir menghadapi musuh secara lebih efisien sehingga membuat lawan mereka takut. Berikut adalah beberapa keterampilan Kebangkitan yang menonjol: Panggilan: Penjaga Gorr Memanggil Keeper Gorr untuk membantu Penyihir. Summon Gorr akan melakukan serangan jarak dekat dan melindungi sang Penyihir. Panggilan: Keeper Tett Summons Keeper Tett untuk membantu si Penyihir. Summoned Tett akan melakukan serangan jarak jauh dan melindungi si Penyihir. Kelumpuhan Segera mengurangi serangan, gerakan, dan kecepatan pengecoran target. Fissure Wave Menyebabkan gelombang kekerasan di bawah tanah untuk menimbulkan kerusakan. MP Anda akan sedikit pulih saat menggunakan keterampilan, dan target akan diluncurkan dan jatuh ke tanah. Thunder Storm Memaksimalkan kekuatan petir dan menimbulkan ledakan dahsyat di depan. Pelajari keterampilan arus untuk menimbulkan kerusakan yang lebih besar lagi dengan memanggil Tett. Yoke of Ordeal Mengangkat energi tanah dan secara berturut-turut memproyeksikan energi itu ke depan. Keterampilan Pembangun Awam Wizards tanpa ampun merusak kesadaran didasarkan pada elemen api dan air. Belajarlah untuk bekerja dengan dua wali yang bisa Anda panggil untuk memperluas cakrawala kemampuan tempur Wizards. Selain kemampuan tempur yang lebih kuat, pemain akan menikmati efek keterampilan yang spektakuler dan jelas berdasarkan elemen api dan air. Berikut adalah beberapa keterampilan Awakening yang menonjol: Summon: Keeper Marg Summons Marg, penjaga api. Summoned Marg akan melakukan serangan jarak dekat dan melindungi Wizard. Panggilan: Penjaga Arne memanggil Arne, penjaga air. Summone Arne akan melakukan serangan jarak jauh dan melindungi Wizard. Aqua Jail Explosion Menciptakan penghalang air yang besar untuk mengunci target dan menimbulkan kerusakan yang cukup besar. Flame Knot Dengan menggunakan kekuatan sihir api, ia langsung menangkap sasaran dan melemparkannya ke tanah. Bolide of Destruction Memanggil nyala api besar dan membiarkannya jatuh ke area yang ditentukan. Api seharusnya tidak meninggalkan apapun. Chilling Wave Arne akan menciptakan gelombang besar di depan. Apa pun yang disapu ombak hampir tidak akan bertahan. Rabu, 21 Desember 2016 Jadilah orang pertama yang memeriksa Penyihir dan Penyihir baru dan yang disempurnakan Nikmati terbangun yang telah lama dinanti. Terima kasih. Tim Desert Desert Online 1482325200BDO Unibank Inc (BDO. PS) Ibu Teresita T. Sy telah menjadi Ketua Dewan BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak 28 Mei 2010. Dia pertama kali diangkat ke Dewan pada tahun 1997. Saat ini, dia melayani Sebagai Ketua, Wakil Ketua, dan Direktur berbagai anak perusahaan dan afiliasi BDO, seperti BDO Private Bank, Inc. BDO Leasing Finance, Inc. (PLC), BDO Capital Investment Corporation, BDO Foundation, Inc. Generasi Perusahaan Pilipinas Holding Company, Inc. Generali Pilipinas Life Assurance Company, Inc. dan Generali Pilipinas Insurance Co. Inc. Dia juga merupakan Penasihat Dewan Bank Jaringan, Inc (BPR). Ms. Sy adalah Wakil Ketua SM Investments Corporation (PLC) dan Penasehat Dewan SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (PLC). Dia juga menjabat sebagai Ketua, Wakil Ketua dan Direktur Perusahaan Multi Realty Development Corporation, Belleshare Holdings, Inc. (sebelumnya SM Commercial Properties, Inc.), SM Mart, Inc. SM Retail, Inc. dan First Asia Realty Development Corp Lulusan Asisten College, dia membawa keahliannya di bidang perbankan dan keuangan, ritel merchandising, mal dan pengembangan real estat. Nestor V. Tan adalah Presiden, Chief Executive Officer dan Direktur BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak 25 April 2014. Dia pertama kali diangkat ke Dewan pada tanggal 27 Juni 1998. Dia juga secara bersamaan memegang wakil ketua dan direktur di Anak perusahaan BDO Unibank, Inc. BDO Capital Investment Corporation, BDO Insurance Brokers, Inc. BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. (PLC), BDO Private Bank, Inc. dan BDO Remit (USA), Inc. Dia juga seorang Direktur Di Generali Pilipinas Life Assurance Company, Inc. Generali Pilipinas Insurance Co SM Keppel Land, Inc. Asian School of Business Technology serta direktur utama di Dewan Penasehat Mastercard Worldwide. Dia juga secara bersamaan memegang jabatan ketua BDO Strategic Holdings, Inc. Megalink, Inc. dan One Network Bank, Inc. (BPR). Dia adalah Wali Amanat berikut ini: Yayasan BDO, Inc. Yayasan Pinoy Me, Dewan Penasihat Universitas De La Salle dan Asian Institute of Management. Dia juga menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Pertama Asosiasi Bankir Filipina (BAP). Karir perbankan Tans mencakup 15 tahun pengalaman internasional dengan Mellon Bank (sekarang Bank of New York-Mellon) di Pittsburgh, PA, Bankers Trust Company (sekarang Deutsche Bank) di New York, dan Barclays Group di New York dan London. Sebelum bergabung dengan Bank, beliau adalah Chief Operating Officer untuk Grup Jasa Lembaga Keuangan BZW, anak perusahaan investment banking dari Grup Barclays. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana Perdagangan dari De La Salle University dan menerima gelar MBA dari Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Bapak Jesus A. Jacinto, Jr. telah menjadi Wakil Ketua Dewan BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak 25 Mei 1996. Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Ketua dan Presiden dari BDO Insurance Brokers, Inc. Dia juga memimpin Jaces Corp. sebagai Chairman Dan Presiden dan Janil Realty, Inc. dan JAJ Holdings, Inc. selaku Presiden. Dia juga Direktur Bayer Phils. Inc Dahulu, dia adalah Direktur dan Wakil Presiden Eksekutif CityTrust Banking Corp. Direktur CityTrust Investments Phils. Dan CityTrust Finance Corp. dan Wakil Presiden dan Managing Partner Citibank N. A. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana di bidang Administrasi Bisnis dari Fordham University di New York City dan MBA (Bisnis Internasional) dari Universitas Columbia, New York City. Ibu Evelyn L. Villanueva menjabat sebagai Executive Vice President, Chief Risk Officer dan Head - Risk Management Group dari BDO Unibank, Inc. Beliau juga merupakan Ketua dan Chief Executive Officer Mabuhay Vinyl Corporation. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana di bidang Statistik dari Universitas Filipina. Beliau meraih gelar Master in Business Management (MBM) dari Asian Institute of Management. Beliau memiliki pengalaman perbankan selama lebih dari 30 (tiga puluh) tahun di bidang perbankan korporat dan manajemen risiko korporasi yang mencakup pengelolaan kredit, pasar, likuiditas, suku bunga dan manajemen risiko operasional. Dia memulai karir sebagai trainee manajemen di Citytrust Banking Corporation dan terhubung dengan HSBC sebagai Senior Vice President untuk Manajemen Risiko Kredit sebelum bergabung dengan BDO. Ms Lucy Co Dy menjabat sebagai Executive Vice President, Comptroller dan Head of Comptrollership Group dari BDO Unibank, Inc. Dia juga Direktur BDO Elite Savings Bank, Inc. (dahulu GE Money Bank, Inc.), BDO Remit Limited, Express Padala Hong Kong Limited, BDO Remit (Italia), SpA Express Padala Frankfurt GmbH, dan Banco De Oro Savings Bank, Inc. (dahulu Citibank Savings, Inc.) efektif pada tanggal 25 Maret 2014 Direktur dan Bendahara BDO Strategic Holdings, Inc. dan Wali Amanat dan Bendahara BDO Foundation, Inc. dan Ketua dan Presiden Eksekutif Banclounge, Inc. dan The Sign of the Anvil, Inc. Dia adalah Direktur PCIB Securities, Inc. sampai 27 Januari 2016. Dia memegang gelar sarjana Di bidang Akuntansi dari Universitas Santo Tomas. Pedro M. Florescio, III, adalah Executive Vice President, Bendahara dan Kepala Treasury Group BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak tahun 2004. Dia juga seorang Direktur BDO Elite Savings Bank (dahulu GE Money Bank, Inc.) (Mr. 2009) dan One Network Bank, Inc. (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat) (2015). Beliau meraih gelar sarjana di bidang Administrasi Bisnis dari Universitas Timur, Manila dan telah mengikuti berbagai program dan pelatihan treasury di pusat keuangan utama. Dia memiliki lebih dari dua puluh lima (25) tahun pengalaman dalam fungsi perbendaharaan di dalam dan di luar negeri. Dia sebelumnya terhubung dengan Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. Far East Trust Company, Dao Heng Bank Ltd. (Hong Kong), Bank Internasional Asia (Hong Kong), Chemical Bank (Manila), Societe Generale (Manila), European Asian Bank (Manila), dan PCI Bank. Dia adalah Presiden MART (Asosiasi Pasar Uang Filipina yang lalu, tahun 2005) dan ACI Philippines (Asosiasi Pasar Keuangan, tahun 1997, 1998, dan 2007). Ador A. Abrogena adalah Executive Vice President dan Head - Trust and Investments Group dari BDO Unibank, Inc. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana teknik kimia dari De La Salle University dan gelar Master di bidang Ekonomi Bisnis dari Universitas Asia dan Pasifik. Dia sebelumnya terhubung dengan First Pacific Securities, Filipina, Inc. sebagai Wakil Presiden dan dengan Private Development Corporation of Philippines sebagai Asisten Wakil Presiden. Ibu Stella L. Cabalatungan menjabat sebagai Executive Vice President, Head - BDO Private Bank, Inc. - Relationship Management BDO Unibank, Inc. Beliau meraih gelar Bachelor of Science dalam Manajemen Pemasaran dari De La Salle University. Sebelum bergabung dengan BDO, dia adalah Wakil Presiden Banco Santander Philippines, Inc. dan Head of Personal Investment Banking Group dari tahun 2000 sampai 2003. Dia juga Wakil Presiden Citibank, NA dari tahun 1998 sampai 2000 dimana dia menghabiskan lima belas (15) tahun Di perbankan ritel dan prioritas di Singapura dan Filipina, tugas terakhirnya adalah Citigold Priority Banking Head. Anthony Quin Chua telah menjadi Executive Vice President dan Head - Global Operations dari BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak bulan Juni 2014. Dia juga merangkap jabatan direktur di BDO Remit (Canada) Ltd. dan BDO Remit (Japan) Ltd. Pengalaman perbankannya terbentang Tiga puluh (30) tahun dengan tugas di Citibank NA Philippine Bank of Communications, dan Philippine National BankAllied Banking Corporation, memegang berbagai posisi dalam manajemen hubungan, manajemen risiko, perbankan transaksi, pengembangan produk, kepercayaan, dan operasi. Dia juga seorang Partner di SGV Co. yang mengkhususkan diri pada Manajemen Risiko dan Manajemen Proses Bank. Dia memegang gelar ganda Bachelor of Arts dan Bachelor of Science in Commerce dari De La Salle University. Ia menerima gelar MBA dan Ph. D di bidang Keuangan dari Michigan State University. Ibu Julie Y. Chua menjabat sebagai Executive Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - Commercial Banking (Metro Manila dan Luzon) dari BDO Unibank, Inc. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana di bidang Perdagangan, jurusan Perbankan dan Keuangan, Cum Laude, dari Universitas Santo Tomas. Dia memiliki lebih dari dua puluh lima (25) tahun pengalaman dalam bisnis perbankan dan peminjaman. Sebelumnya untuk tugasnya, dia terhubung dengan BPI, Far East Bank Trust Company and Producers Bank. Saat ini dia adalah Kepala Unit IBG Metro Manila East. Bapak Gerard Lee B. Co menjabat sebagai Executive Vice President, Group Head - Commercial Banking (Visayas and Mindanao) dari BDO Unibank, Inc. Beliau adalah Direktur Agencia de Calidad, Inc. dan Markham One Development Corp. Beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur PCI Leasing dan Finance, Inc. dan PCI Capital Corporation dari tahun 2002-2005 dan BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. dari 2010-2012. Ia lulus dari Universitas San Carlos dengan gelar Bachelor of Science di bidang Perdagangan, Jurusan Perbankan dan Keuangan. Beliau mengikuti Program Manajemen Lanjutan untuk Bankir Internasional di Wharton School di University of Pennsylvania, AS. Dia juga menyelesaikan Program Pengembangan Eksekutif di IMD di Laussane, Swiss. Bergabung dengan Bank pada bulan Oktober 1993 sebagai Vice President for Visayas Region. Mr Antonio N. Cotoco menjabat sebagai Direktur - BDO Leasing Finance, Inc. dan Wakil Presiden Eksekutif Senior BDO Unibank, Inc. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Direktur BDO Insurance Brokers, Inc. BDO Remit (Macau), Ltd. BDO Remit ( USA), Inc. BDO Remit Limited, Express Padala (Hongkong) Limited, Express Padala Frankfurt GmbH, dan Chairman BDO Rental, Inc. Dia telah terlibat dalam Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Treasury, Consumer Banking, Credit, Business dan Pengembangan, dan Pengelolaan Akun selama tiga puluh enam (36) tahun terakhir. Saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Direktur OAC Realty Development Corporation. Bapak Eduardo V. Francisco menjabat sebagai Executive Vice President, dan PresidentDirector - BDO Capital and Investment Corporation dari BDO Unibank, Inc. Beliau juga merupakan Co-Chairman Dewan Pengembangan Pasar Modal (CMDC) dari Filipina, Wakil Ketua untuk Internasional Asosiasi Lembaga Pelaksana Keuangan (IAFEI), TreasurerTrading Nominee dari BDO Securities Corporation, dan Chairman Averon Holdings Corp. Dia juga duduk di dewan Asosiasi Manajemen Filipina (MAP), UP-Development Center for Finance (UPDCF), CIBI Foundation, Valle Verde Country Club, Inc. (VVCC), dan Sekolah Internasional Manila. Dia juga merupakan rekan dari Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), Asosiasi Pemegang Saham Filipina (SharePhil), bank Merchant AFC, dan anggota Rotary Makati West dan Tim Sepeda Triathlon Bike PLDT. Dia sebelumnya adalah Presiden MAP, Financial Executives Institute of Philippines (FINEX), Wharton-Penn Club, Federasi Asosiasi Valle Verde, Asosiasi Valle Verde Pertama, Inc. dan BDO Securities Corporation. Dia juga anggota Komite Pasar Modal sebelumnya dari Asosiasi Bankir Filipina dan Komite Penasehat Strategis Bursa Efek Filipina dan Dewan Pengembangan Bisnis Makati. Dia juga sebelumnya menjabat sebagai dewan Foundation for Filipino Entrepreneurs (FFE), Asosiasi Rumah Investasi Investasi LGU Guarantee of Philippines (IHAP) dan BDO Strategic Corporation. Francisco bekerja sama dengan lembaga keuangan lainnya di New York dan Hong Kong. Beliau meraih gelar Master di bidang Administrasi Bisnis dari Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania dan gelar sarjana di bidang Administrasi Bisnis dari Universitas Filipina. Dia juga penerima Distinguished Alumnus Award dari U. P. College of Business Administration. Ibu Jeanette S. Javellana adalah Executive Vice President - Institutional Banking dari BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak 1 Februari 2016. Sebelum itu, dia adalah Senior Vice President, Head Institutional Banking Group - Commercial Banking (Luzon dan Metro Manila North ). Ibu Javellana adalah Kepala Tim MM Barat dan MM Utara di bawah Unit Perbankan Komersial Grup Kelembagaan Perbankan. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Teknologi Pangan dari Universitas Santo Tomas dan Unit Akademik Magister Administrasi Bisnis dari Ateneo Graduate School of Business. Ibu Javellana bergabung dengan Bank Dunia pada bulan Oktober 2001. Guia Carranza Lim telah menjadi Executive Vice President untuk Komite Komite Manajemen Komite Eksekutif BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak 6 Januari 2014. Dia adalah seorang Akuntan Publik Bersertifikat dengan lebih dari empat puluh (40) Tahun pengalaman perbankan. Dia adalah Executive Vice President of Union Bank dari tahun 1993 sampai 2013 yang bertanggung jawab atas corporate banking, manajemen risiko, pemulihan aset dan pelepasan agunan yang diambil alih. Dia ditunjuk sebagai Presiden Interim untuk Corporate Bank Internasional (Interbank) untuk mengelola transisi bank gabungan. Sebelumnya, dia adalah Executive Vice President Bank Tanah Filipina yang mengawasi sektor bank umum, dan menangani unit pendukung keseluruhan organisasi bank umum. Ms. Lim lulus dari St. Theresas College. Ricardo V. Martin telah menjadi Executive Vice President, Head - Information Technology Group dari BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak 1 September 2014. Dia juga merupakan Direktur BDO Remit (Italia), S. p.A. BDO Remit (USA), Inc. Dan BDO RO Europe Ltd. Sebelumnya, dia adalah Executive Vice President untuk Corporate Compliance, dan secara administratif mengawasi Kantor Sekretaris Perusahaan, Unit Anti-Pencucian Uang, Layanan Hukum, Kepatuhan, Tata Kelola Perusahaan dan Audit Internal. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Chief Executive Officer Executive Vice President untuk Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. Sebelumnya, dia adalah Chief Finance Officer Solidbank Corporation. Dia adalah lulusan Program Teknik Manajemen Universitas Ateneo de Manila. Bapak Edwin Romualdo G. Reyes adalah Executive Vice President, Group Head untuk Transaction Banking Group di BDO Unibank, Inc. sejak 1 Juni 2015. Bapak Reyes memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 25 tahun di industri perbankan. Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Managing Director dan Global Head of Depositary Receipts di Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New York, AS (Deutsche Bank) dari tahun 2006 sampai 2014. Reyes juga melayani Deutsche Bank sebagai Direktur dan Global Head of DR Strategi Inisiatif dan mitra Channel Dari tahun 2001 sampai 2006 dan Direktur Global Head of Perantara, Corporate Trust Agency Services dari tahun 1999 sampai 2001. Sebelumnya, dia adalah Vice President, Capital Markets Trust Services di IBJ Whitehall Financial Services, New York, Amerika Serikat dari tahun 1998 sampai 1999. Mr. Reyes also serves on the board of the University of the Philippines Industrial Engineering Alumni Association (UPIEAA). He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration, major in FinanceMoney and Financial Markets from Columbia University, Graduate School of Business in New York, USA. Mr. Reyes graduated Cum Laude from the University of the Philippines, with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. Mr. Edmundo S. Soriano serves as Executive Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - Corporate Banking of BDO Unibank, Inc. He holds a Bachelors degree in Economics (Honors) from Ateneo de Manila University. He finished his MBA (With Distinction) from Adelphi University, New York, USA. Prior to joining BDO, Mr. Soriano was President of Lightspeed Holdings, Inc. He was also Vice President at JP Morgan Chase where his last assignment gave him Asia-Pacific regional responsibility for corporate and investment banking based in Hong Kong. Prior to this, he was an Assistant Vice President at First Chicago Leasing and Equipment Credit Corp. an affiliate of First National Bank of Chicago. He attended continuing education programs at Euro-Insead, University of California at Berkeley and American Institute of Banking. In 2014, he was the President of the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines. For 2015, he is the Chairman of Finex Research and Development Foundation, Inc. Ms. Cecilia L. Tan has been Executive Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - Corporate Banking 2 of BDO Unibank, Inc. since June 2, 2014. Prior to joining BDO, she was Director and President of BPI Capital Corp. and Director Chairman of BPI Securities Corp. She has over 30 years experience covering the fields of corporate, investment and private banking. She holds a degree in Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Ateneo de Manila University and post graduate in Advance Management Program in Harvard Business School, Harvard University. Mr. Rolando C. Tanchanco serves as Executive Vice President and Head - Consumer Lending Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. He holds a Bachelors degree in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines. He acquired his MBM at the Asian Institute of Management. Prior to his joining BDO, Mr. Tanchanco was President of Philam Savings Bank and Head of AIG Credit Card. He is currently a Director of BDO Elite Savings Bank, Inc. and Trans Union Phils. Mr. Dennis B. Velasquez serves as Executive Vice President and Head - Central Operations Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. Heis also a Director of Banco de Oro Savings Bank, Inc. and the Executive Banclounge, Inc. and the Sign of the Anvil. He was Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. s Operations Group Head from May 2006 until its merger with BDO in May 2007. He served in 2000 as the Integration Manager for Retail Banking and was Retail Banking Group Head from March 2002 to April 2006. He has been with the Bank since August 1995. He is also a Director of Philippine Clearing House Corporation, and Chairman and President of Denmar Property Managers, Inc. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of the Philippines and pursued MBA studies at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business. Mr. Walter C. Wassmer serves as Director - BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. Senior Executive Vice President and Head - Institutional Banking Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. He is concurrently the Chairman of BDO Elite Savings Bank, Inc. Director of MDB Land, Inc. and was Director of Mabuhay Vinyl Corporation. Mr. Albert S. Yeo has been appointed Executive Vice President at BDO Unibank, Inc. with effect from January 2, 2017. Mr. Yeo has more than 30 years of experience in the financeinvestment industry occupying various positions. He was a Senior Financial AdvisorVice President for Investments at Merrill Lynch Co. in Los Angeles, California since 2006. Prior to that, he was with UBS Financial Services, Inc. Prudential Securities, Inc. IBJ Schroder Bank Trust Co. and Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation. Mr. Yeo holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration Finance from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Ateneo De Manila University with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Management Engineering. Mr. Jaime C. Yu has been Senior Executive Vice President and Head - Branch Banking Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from De La Salle University and is a MBA graduate from the Ateneo de Manila University. He has extensive experience in commercial, corporate, and investment banking from the International Corporate Bank and Union Bank of the Philippines, where he held various positions up to his appointment as First Vice President and Region Head for the Manila-Pasay area. He joined BDO in December 1997. Ms. Rebecca S. Torres has been Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Head - Corporate Compliance, Legal Services and Internal Audit Group Anti-Money LaunderingCompliance Unit of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 1, 2013. Previous positions held were Assistant Corporate Secretary of BDO and concurrent Senior AML Officer and Head of the AML Unit since January 1,2011 up to April 30, 2013. She was also previously the Assistant Corporate Secretary of various BDO subsidiaries such as BDO Leasing Finance, Inc. BDO Private Bank, Inc. BDO Rental, Inc. Armstrong Securities, Inc. and Equimark-NFC Development Corp. She was also the Assistant Corporate Secretary and Trustee of BDO Foundation, Inc. She was also the Corporate Secretary of PCIB Securities, Inc. BDO Strategic Holdings Inc. and the Sign of the Anvil, Inc. She was formerly the Chief of Staff of the President involved in project management for the Banks merger activities. She is a Certified Public Accountant and a graduate of St. Theresas College, Quezon City with a degree of Bachelor of Science major in Accounting. She has completed the Advanced Bank Management Program of the Asian Institute of Management. Ms. Maria Theresa L. Tan serves as Senior Vice President and General Manager - BDO Insurance Brokers, Inc. of BDO Unibank, Inc. She has had more than two decades of experience in sales, marketingproduct management, and general management in the consumer, services, and insurance industries. She graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University with a degree in Business Management minor in Marketing. Prior to joining BDO, she was the General Manager of International SOS, Philippines, Inc. She joined the Bank in July 2009. Ms. Marilyn K. Go is Senior Vice President and Assistant Treasurer - Treasury Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from St. Pauls College of Manila. She joined the Bank in 1987 as Manager of the Treasury Department. Ms. Evelyn C. Salagubang has been Senior Vice President and Head - Human Resources Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. since July 2011. She was formerly the Head of Human Resources of American Express Savings Bank, with oversight HR role over the American Express International, Inc. and American Express Bank Philippines. Prior to joining BDO, she was the HR Manager for Kraft Foods Philippines, Inc. She holds a degree in Psychology from Assumption College and completed a Diploma Program in Human Resource Management from the same institution. Atty. Alvin C. Go has been Senior Vice President, Head - Corporate Compliance, Legal Services and Internal Audit Group - Legal Services of BDO Unibank, Inc. since June 3, 2013. He has been its Assistant Corporate Secretary, Alternate Corporate Information Officer since October 1, 2015. Prior to joining BDO, he was the Chief Legal Counsel of Philippine National Bank from 2003 to 2012. He was an Associate Attorney for Salonga, Ordonez, Yap, Corpuz Padlan Associates Law Offices from 1985 to 1989. He served as Prosecution Attorney from 1989 to 1990 and State Prosecutor of the Department of Justice from 1990 to 1993. He was a Senior Partner at Go, Cojuangco, Mendoza, Ligon and Castro Law Offices from 1994 to 1999, and Senior Partner at Go and Castro Law Offices from 1999 to 2003. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts, Major in Political Science, from the Immaculate Concepcion College, Ozamiz City and his Bachelor of Laws from Misamis University. Mr. Luis S. Reyes, Jr. serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Investor Relations and Corporate Planning, Director and Treasurer - BDO Leasing Finance Inc of BDO Unibank, Inc. He is concurrently a Director of BDO Strategic Holdings, Inc. He is also a Director and Treasurer of BDO Rental, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines. He was First Vice President of Far East Bank Trust Company, Trust Banking Group before joining BDO. Mr. Noel L. Andrada has been Senior Vice President and Head - Trust and Investments Group - Business Development of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 28, 2010. He joined BDO in 2003 as Vice President of the Group. He was formerly connected with BPI Asset Management and Trust Group as Head of Business Development for CorporateInstitutional accounts. He acquired a Masters Degree in Business Management at De La Salle University. He graduated from the same university with a degree in BS Commerce. Ms. Maria Carina S. Antonio has been Senior Vice President, Head - Trust Investments Group - Account Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 2014. She is a nominee director in 5-S Technology Resources Inc. Ajempa Holdings Inc. PH Philippine Holdings, Inc. Balo-I Industrial Inc. IWS Realty Corporation. Allegro Microsystems Phils Realty Inc. CV Holdings Inc. and PJAC Land Corporation. She is also a director of the Trust Officers Association of the Philippines (TOAP). She is a member of the Registered Financial Planners of the Philippines. Ms. Antonio has a twenty-eight (28) years banking career specifically in the trust business. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Applied Economics from De La Salle University. Mr. Rafael G. Ayuste, Jr. has been Senior Vice President - BDO Private Bank, Inc. - Wealth Advisory and Trust Group at BDO Unibank, Inc. since July 16, 2013. He spent more than twenty-eight (28) years in the banking industry with twenty-two (22) of that in the trust industry. Prior to joining BDOPB, he was Trust Banking head of the Philippine National Bank and Security Bank and Deputy Group Head of Metrobank Trust Banking Group. He also held various banking positions as head of Sales and Distribution of Banco Santander, Philippines and Citibank handling the Citibank Savings franchise. He held various positions in the banking industry as Account Officer, Cash Officer, Treasury Sales Officer and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager. He also served as part time lecturer at the De La Salle University under the Management of Financial Institutions Department. He served as three (3) term president of the Trust Officers Association of the Philippines or TOAP and as Board member for six (6) terms. He finished his Bachelor of Science Major in Business Administration at the University of Santo Tomas. He is a nominee for both Master in Business Administration at the De La Salle University and Executive Master in Business Economics at the University of Asia and the Pacific. Ms. Melanie S. Belen has been Senior Vice President, Head - Risk Management Group-Remedial Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. since July 16, 2008. She graduated from the University of Santo Tomas with Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce, Major in Accounting and obtained her Masters degree in Management from the Asian Institute of Management. She joined the Bank in 2008 and prior to joining BDO, she was a Country Head at Scholastic Inc. PhilippinesGrolier International. Mr. Gamalielh Ariel O. Benavides has been Senior Vice President, Head - BDO Private Bank, Inc, - Wealth Advisory and Trust Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 28, 2010. He has over twenty (20) years of banking experience in the areas of Treasury and Financial Markets, Capital Markets Operations, Securities Broking, Deposits and Investment Services, Securities Custody, Settlement and Trust with various financial institutions such as Citibank, N. A. Manila and Singapore Branches, Abacus Securities Corporation, Banco Santander Philippines, Inc. and BDO Private Bank. In 2005, he was conferred the Registered Financial Consultant (RFC) designation by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC), a certification organization based in the U. S. In 2010, he completed the One-Year Course on Trust Operations and Investment Management conducted by the Trust Institute Foundation of the Philippines. Mr. Benavides has a Bachelor of Science degree in Management minor in Philosophy from the Ateneo de Manila University. Ms. Ma. Ophelia L. l. Camina has been Senior Vice President, Head - Consumer Lending Group - UnsecuredBusiness DevelopmentCredit Card Business of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 12, 2008. She previously held directorship and acted as President of Equitable Card Network, Inc. a BDO subsidiary. Prior to joining the Bank, she was Executive Vice President of SM Equicom Computer Services Inc. She holds a Bachelors degree in Commerce from the University of San Carlos and MBA from De La Salle University. Mr. Arthur Vincent Dee Chung has been Senior Vice President, Head - Financial Institutions Group and Loans and Trade (Hong Kong Branch) of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 26, 2010. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce major in Marketing Management from De La Salle University and a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Western Australia. Prior to joining BDO, he was the Chief Financial Officer of Liwayway China Ltd. Shanghai and Liwayway Marketing Corporation in Manila. He also held various positions in banking with Philippine Bank of Communications as Institutional Banking Head, Bank of America as Senior Investment Banker, and Societe Generale as Deputy Country Manager. Mr. Romeo Ramon Martin Co, Jr. has been Senior Vice President - Institutional Banking Group at BDO Unibank, Inc. since January 11, 2016. Mr. Co graduated with honors at The London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Economics. He has more than twenty (20) years experience in the banking industry. He served as Head of Non-Bank Financial Institutions for AsiaTransaction Services Financial Institutions International Banking at The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Hong Kong from February 2012 to present and Head of Non-Bank Financial Institution Sales for AsiaGlobal Transaction Services Financial Institutions from June 2009 to February 2012. He also worked as SVP and Head of Non-Bank Financial Institutions Sales Asia and Transaction Banking Financial Institution Asia Business Manager at ABN AMRO Bank N. V. Hong Kong from May 2007 to June 2009. Mr. Jonathan T. Cua serves as Senior Vice President, Head - BDO Private Bank, Inc. - Relationship Management (Visayas and Mindanao) at BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 27, 2011. He holds a Bachelors degree in Commerce, Major in Legal Management from the De La Salle University. He has fifteen (15) years banking experience. Mr. Ramon S. David serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Branch Banking Group - Region 4 (Metro Manila East) of BDO Unibank, Inc. Prior to joining the Branch Banking Group in January 2009, he was President of Equitable Savings Bank for close to five years. He joined PCI Bank in 1993 as a Division Head in Corporate Banking. Mr. Montiel H. de los Santos serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Treasury Group - Foreign Currency Sales of BDO Unibank, Inc. He is a graduate of De La Salle University in Manila with Bachelor of Science degree major in Management of Financial Institutions. He has 32 years of banking experience in Treasury Function and Account Management. Ms. Ma. Lourdes T. de Vera serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Trust and Investments Group - Product and Market Development at BDO Unibank, Inc. She holds a Bachelors degree in Economics from the Ateneo de Manila University. She is also a graduate of the Masters in Business Management Program of the Asian Institute of Management and the Executive Development Program of the Research Institute of Management Science, Delft, Netherlands. Prior to joining BDO, she worked for the Private Development Corporation of the Philippines, holding various positions in the Trust and Investments Department, Investment Banking Group, and Economic and Corporate Research. She was the past President of the Trust Officers Association of the Philippines and Governor of the Market Governance Board of Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corporation (PDEx). Mr. Geronimo D. Diaz serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Branch Banking Group - Region 6 (Southern Luzon) at BDO Unibank, Inc. He holds a Bachelors degree in Accounting, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of the East and is a Certified Public Accountant. He joined the Bank in April 1998 as Head of the Corporate Planning Marketing Support of the Bank. Mr. Noel D. Dizon has been Senior Vice President, Head - Branch Banking Group - Region 5 (Metro Manila South) of BDO Unibank, Inc. since April 2010. He oversees the whole Region 5 which consists Alabang, Bicutan, Cavite, Laguna, Las Pinas and Pasay Area. Prior to his current position, he was the Area Head of Region 3 Manila 2 Area from 2007 2010. Before the merger of BDO Unibank and EPCI Bank, he was the Division Head of MM West Transaction Banking Group for 4 years. In 36 years of banking experience, his previous employers were as follows Equitable Bank, BPI Family Bank, Family Savings Bank and SGV Company. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Accountancy and also a Certified Public Accountant. He also received his MBA from Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Ateneo de Manila University. Ms. Gwyneth Mesina Entao has been Senior Vice President - Consumer Lending at BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2016. Ms. Entao is the Head of Finance and Customer Intelligence Unit of Consumer Lending Group. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Accountancy and Business Administration from Ateneo de Davao University. She has been with the Bank for more than 12 years. Mr. Ismael G. Estela, Jr. serves as Senior Vice President, Corporate Governance Officer - Corporate Compliance, Legal Services and Internal Audit Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. He was appointed Senior Vice President on October 1, 2001. He is also a Director of BDO Remit (Canada) Ltd. BDO Remit (Japan) Ltd. and BDO RO Europe Ltd. Previously, he was Head of Transaction Banking doing cash management, electronic banking, and remittance services and Chairman and President of Express Padala International, Inc. He is a certified public accountant (CPA) and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of San Carlos. Ms. Belinda C. Fernandez has been Senior Vice President, Head - Treasury Group - Product Development of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2012. She holds Bachelors Degree in Commerce Major in Accounting. Shes been with the Bank for more than 20 years. Ms. Geneva T. Gloria has been Senior Vice President and Head - Remittance Distribution of BDO Unibank, Inc. since June 29, 2013. Presently, she is the concurrent director of the following BDO Unibank, Inc. subsidiaries, namely: BDO Remit (USA), Inc. BDO Remit Limited, Express Padala (Hong Kong) Limited. BDO Remit (Macau), Ltd. Express Padala Frankfurt GmbH, BDO Remit (Canada) Ltd. and BDO Remit (Japan) Ltd. Prior to joining the Bank, Ms. Gloria has a fourteen year banking experience with Far East Bank and Trust Co. wherein she was an expatriate in Spain for three (3) years and as Senior Manager at Equitable PCI Bank for two (2) years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of the Philippines. Mr. Jonathan C. B. Go has been Senior Vice President and Head - Asset Management Group - Chattel Sales of BDO Unibank, Inc. since 1995. He is Chairman of PCIB Securities, Equiland, and Equitable Insurance Corporation. He is also a Director of Northpine Land, Inc. and President of Olympus Import Export Corporation. He is also President of HAI PIN Group Ventures, Inc. He was formerly a director of Strategic Property Holdings, Inc. The Executive Banclounge, Inc. EBC Insurance Brokerage, Inc. Jardine Equitable Finance Corporation, PCIB Properties, Inc. Property Care, Inc. and Equimark NFC Development Corporation a Trustee of PCI Bank Foundation, and The Sign of the Anvil, Inc. and Executive Vice President of Equitable Savings Bank, Inc. Ms. Sonia Maribel D. Go has been Senior Vice President - BDO Private Bank, Inc. - Relationship Management (Makati) of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 2014. She started her career in BDO Private Bank since October 2003 as part of the Relationship Management Group. Her client base has more than doubled over her 10 years of service and currently handles 200 clients with a portfolio of P25 Billion. Before joining BDO, she was with Citibank Manila also as a Relationship Manager from 1999 to 2003 a Sales Manager in MSI Digiland from 1998 to 1999. She holds a Degree in Business from De La Salle University. Mr. Richard Grau has been Senior Vice President - Seconded to BDO Private Bank at BDO Unibank, Inc. since December 1, 2015. Mr. Grau graduated with honors at Rutgers University with a degree in Bachelor of Science Major in Management. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration Major in FinanceAccounting at New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He has more than 20 years experience in the banking industry. He served as Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Neuberger Berman Group LLC, New York, New York from 2009 to 2015 and Vice President and Trading Manager and Assistant Portfolio Manager from 2006 to 2009. Mr. Lazaro Jerome C. Guevarra serves as Senior Vice President, Head - BDO Capital and Investment Corporation - Advisory and Mergers and Acquisitions Practice of BDO Unibank, Inc. He is a graduate of the University of the Philippines School of Economics. He has over 25 years of experience in investment banking and financial analysis. He is currently the Treasurer of BDO Capital Investment Corporation and is a Director of Averon Holdings, Corp. NorthPine Land Inc. BDO Strategic Holdings, Inc. PCI Insurance Brokers, Inc. PCI Travel Corp. and PCI Management Consultants, Inc. He is also a Trustee and Corporate Secretary of BDO Foundation, Inc. and the Corporate Secretary of Equimark NFC Development Corporation. Mr. Enrico R. Hernandez has been Senior Vice President, Head - Information Technology Group - Information Technology Development of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 27, 2011. He previously handled the ITD Unit responsible for Consumer Lending and served as the IT Head of BDO Private Bank Inc. He was the Applications Development Head of Banco Santander Philippines, which BDO acquired in 2003. Mr. Hernandez graduated from Ateneo de Manila University with Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry and Computer Engineering. Ms. Eleanor Lee M. Hilado has been Senior Vice President, Head - BDO Capital and Investment Corporation - Corporate Finance of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 29, 2009. She is also concurrently President and Director of Armstrong Securities, Inc. She is a Bachelor of Arts in Economics graduate (Cum Laude) of the University of the Philippines. She was likewise a recipient of the Japan Airlines Scholarship for Asian Studies at the Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Antonio Jose Gerardo N. Jacinto has been Senior Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - Corporate Banking 2 - Team 7 of BDO Unibank, Inc. since August 5, 2013. Prior to joining BDO, he was Director at ING Bank, Manila Branch. He has extensive experience in banking, having also worked among others at Bank of the Philippine Islands, Solidbank Corporation and the International Finance Corporation. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines, and received his Master of Management degree from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University (Illinois, USA). Mr. Gabriel U. Lim serves as Senior Vice President - BDO Capital Investment Corporation - Corporate Finance of BDO Unibank, Inc. He is also Director and President of PCIB Securities, Inc. and Director of Averon Holdings, Corp. Mr. Lims extensive twenty-eight (28) year banking experience includes key participation in the Philippine Governments privatization programs on behalf of both the Government and private institutions. Mr. Lim has MBM units from the Asian Institute of Management and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce from San Beda College. Mr. Donald G. Limcaco has been Senior Vice President - Transaction Banking Group at BDO Unibank, Inc. since December 1, 2015. Mr. Limcaco graduated from De La Salle University with a degree in Bachelor of Science Major in Computer Science. He has more than twenty (20) years experience in the banking industry. He is Senior Vice President in e-Commerce and Consumer Marketing Technology Global Enterprise Applications at Bank of America, New York, USA from April 2008 to present. He also worked as First Vice President in Application Development Enterprise Applications and Services at Countrywide Finance Corporation from September 2004 to March 2008. Mr. Manuel Z. Locsin, Jr. has been Senior Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - Corporate Banking 1 - Team 1 of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2012. He has more than 20 years of experience in credit lending. Prior to BDO he was with the Account Management Group of Allied Banking Corporation and International Corporate Bank. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Commerce from De La Salle University. Atty. Roy Allan Villatuya Magturo has been Senior Vice President - Legal Services at BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2016. Atty. Magturo is the Head of Corporate Groups Unit of Legal Services Group. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Behavioral Science and a Masters Degree in Law from the University of Santo Tomas. Atty. Magturo has been with the Bank for more than 20 years. Mr. Manuel C. Malabanan has been Senior Vice President for Trust and Investments Group - Account Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. since November 2014. Prior to joining the Bank, he was Head of the Asset Wealth Management unit of Deutsche Bank AG (Manila Branch) where he worked for eighteen (18) years. He also worked at CityTrust Banking Corporation for sixteen (16) years, occupying various positions in its Trust Department until he became Vice President and Head of Business Development and Portfolio Management. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines in Diliman. Ms. Maria Corazon A. Mallillin serves as Senior Vice President and Head - Branch Banking Group - Administration of BDO Unibank, Inc. She graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics as well as a Bachelor of Laws degree. She joined the Bank in March of 2005 as Region Head of Branch Banking. Ms. Angelita C. Manulat has been Senior Vice President, Head - Consumer Lending Group - SecuredBusiness DevelopmentHome Loans Business of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 28, 2010. Prior to the merger with Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. (EPCIB), she headed the Home Mortgage Loan Division under the same consumer lending business with EPCIB and as Product Manager in a concurrent position for both Auto and Home Loans product for more than four years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Accountancy from the University of San Carlos, Cebu City and earned Masters units in Business Administration with the Ateneo de Manila University. Mr. Dalmacio D. Martin is Senior Vice President and Head - Treasury Group - Fixed Income and Derivatives Portfolio Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. He was the Head of HSBC Markets Institutional Sales and Delta Rates Structuring Treasury for Philippines. From October 2007 to February 2009, he headed HSBC Markets Delta Rates Structuring Treasury for Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Mauritius. He was also HSBC Markets Derivatives Trading Head Treasury from December 1998 until October 2007. Mr. Jose Noel M. Mendoza serves as Senior Vice President - BDO Private Bank, Inc. - Wealth Advisory Trust of BDO Unibank, Inc. He has over 20 years of research and investment advisory experience in the areas of fixed income and equity markets and have worked with institutions such as Peregrine Securities (now ATR-Kim Eng), Citibank Securities, Inc. Urbancorp Securities, Inc. and Banco Santander Philippines, Inc. which was acquired by Banco De Oro in September 2003. He was conferred the Registered Financial Consultant (RFC) designation by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC) based in the U. S. in 2004. He completed his one-year Philippine Trust Institute course with distinction in 1997. He holds a Master of Science degree in Industrial Economics from the University of the Asia and the Pacific (formerly Center for Research and Communications) and a Bache lor of Science degree in Industrial Management Engineering minor in Chemical Engineering from De La Salle University. Mr. Tomas Victor Ascalon Mendoza has been Senior Vice President - Transaction Banking at BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2016. Mr. Mendoza is the Head of the Project Management Unit of Transaction Banking Group. He earned his Bachelors Degree in Commerce, major in Economics and a Masters Degree in Law, major in Civil Law from the University of Santo Tomas. Mr. Mendoza has been with the Bank for more than four years and has more than 20 years banking experience. Mr. Ramon T. Militar serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Branch Banking Group - Region 7 (Visayas and Mindanao) of BDO Unibank, Inc. He is a CPA and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, major in Accounting, from the University of the Philippines. He is also a graduate of the Advanced Bank Management Program (Superior Performance Awardee) of the Asian Institute of Management. Ms. Aurea Imelda S. Montejo has been Senior Vice President and Head - Central Operations Group - Procurement and Premises Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2012. She has been with the Bank since 1992 as Procurement Head. Prior to joining BDO, she was with SM Shoemart Inc. as Division Merchandising Manager. She is concurrently Director of the Executive Banclounge, Inc. The Sign of the Anvil, Inc. and BDO Equitable Tower Condominium Corp. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree major in Economics from the University of Santo Tomas. Mr. Jaime M. Nasol has been Senior Vice President and Head - Transaction Banking Group - Cash Management Services of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 29, 2009. He is a graduate of University of the Philippines at Los Banos with a Bachelors degree in Agribusiness Management and also holds an MBA degree in University of the Philippines Diliman. He started his career with BDO in August 2000, where he was tasked with the establishment of the cash management services unit of the Bank. Ms. Annie H. Ngo serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Branch Banking Group - Group 3 (Metro Manila West) of BDO Unibank, Inc. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the College of the Holy Spirit of manila and took up MBA units at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Ateneo de Manila University. She joined the Bank in October 1988. Atty. Cristina G. Ngo has been Senior Vice President of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2015. Atty. Ngo is the Head of Loans Administration Division of Comptrollership Group. She holds Bachelor of Arts in Communications Research and LLB (Bachelor of Law) from University of the Philippines. She has more than 20 years of experience in the banking industry. She joined the Bank in 1994. Mr. Frederico Rafael D. Ocampo has been Senior Vice President, Head - Trust and Investments Group - Asset Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. since September 1, 2014. He also concurrently holds directorships in the Fund Managers Association of the Philippines and Ateneo Scholarship Foundation. Prior to joining the Bank, he was Director, Chief Investment Officer of Asset and Wealth Management of Deutsche Bank AG in Manila. He has twenty (20) year banking career with Deutsche Bank AG Manila and Citytrust Banking Corporation. He completed his Masters of Science in Economics at Pennsylvania State University as The Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar in May 1994 and obtained his bachelors at the University of the Philippines School of Economics cum laude in 1990. He studied International Baccalaureate at the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific in Victoria, Canada as a United World College scholar in May 1987. Ms. Estrellita V. Ong has been Senior Vice President, Chief Internal Auditor and Head - Corporate Compliance, Legal Services and Internal Audit Group - Internal Audit of BDO Unibank, Inc. since April 2013. She joined BDO in 2012 as Senior Vice President for the Internal Audit Division heading Branches Audit. She was formerly connected with Security Bank Corporation retiring as its CIA. Prior to being a CIA, she had held position in Security Bank as Assistant Controller and Executive Assistant to the Chairman handling the Centro Escolar University Finance portfolio. She was also formerly a Director of the 6776 Ayala Condo Corp. and Corporate Secretary of the Eastman Enterprises Corp. Prior to joining the bank mainstream, she had held Controllership position in Evergreen Shipping Corp. s General Agents office and Pioneer Intercontinental Insurance. She had varied experience also in manufacturing being General Manager and Treasurer of several ImportExport businesses subcontracting for branded US luggage and apparels. She is a Certified Public Accountant graduating from the University of the EastRecto with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. Mr. Martin B. Ordonez has been Senior Vice President, BDO Private Bank, Inc. - Support ServicesOperations of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2012. He was appointed First Vice President of BDO Private Bank in February 2010. Prior to this, he was First Vice President and Operations Head of East West Banking Corp. from February 2008 to January 2010, Vice President and Operations Head of BDO Private Bank from August 2003 to January 2008, and Vice President and Operations Head of Banco Santander Phils. Inc. from October 1995, until its acquisition by BDO in August 2003. He held various positions in the Bank of the Philippine Islands from December 1979 to September 1995. He is a graduate of De La Salle University with a Bachelor of Science degree Major in Management of Financial Institutions. Ms. Maria Rhoda B. Orsolino has been Senior Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - Commercial Banking (Luzon) of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 29, 2009. She has experience in the fields of Corporate Banking, Commercial Banking, Special Accounts Management and Corporate Planning. She was previously connected with Far East Bank, Philbank and Solidbank Corporation. She was formerly Education OfficerComputer Project Officer with British Council, British Embassy, Manila. Ms. Orsolino is a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of the Philippines. Mr. Jose Alfredo G. Pascual has been Senior Vice President, Risk Management Group - Credit Committee Secretariat of BDO Unibank, Inc. He was appointed Credit Committee Secretariat Head of BDO in June 2011. Prior to this appointment, he assumed various positions related to credit risk management in PCIBank and Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. He holds a Bachelors degree in Commerce, major in Accounting from the University of Santo Tomas. He is also a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Antonio Ongkiko Pena has been Senior Vice President and Head - Consumer Lending Group - SecuredBusiness DevelopmentAuto Loans Business of BDO Unibank, Inc. since June 2009. He was formerly connected with the Development Bank of Singapore, Bank of Southeast Asia, Insular Savings Bank, International CorporateBank (Interbank) and Bank of America Finance Corp. (BAFC). He holds a Bachelors Degree in Commerce Major in Marketing from San Beda College. Mr. Roger A. Raya has been Senior Vice President, Head - Consumer Lending Group - UnsecuredBusiness DevelopmentCard Acquiring of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 2014. He currently holds the position of Card Acquiring Head under the Consumer Lending Group. He has 23 years of experience in banking with Citytrust Bank (merged with and into Bank of the Philippine Islands), Bank of Southeast Asia (merged with and into DBS Bank Philippines), DBS Bank Philippines (merged with and into Bank of the Philippines), Philam Savings Bank and AIG Credit Card Philippines (AIG Credit Card Philippines was merged with and into Philam Savings Bank and the surviving entity was renamed AIG Philam Savings Bank, and later on AIG Philam Savings Bank was merged with and into Eastwest Bank). Prior to joining BDO, he held the position of Chief Finance Officer of AIG Philam Savings Bank. He holds Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Accountancy from the University of the Philippines. Ms. Maria Nannette R. Regala has been Senior Vice President, Head - Consumer Lending Group - SecuredBusiness SupportMarketing of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 27, 2011. She earned her Bachelors degree in Pharmacy from the University of Santo Tomas. Ms. Regala has more than 19 years banking experience. Ms. Susan Audrey P. Rivera has been Senior Vice President, Head - Consumer Lending Group - SecuredBusiness SupportCredit of BDO Unibank, Inc. since March 1, 2014. She joined BDO Unibank Inc. in April 2004. She was tasked to oversee and manage credit operations and collection for all consumer lending products including credit cards and personal loans. In the past five (5) years, she has driven various automation project initiatives for credit card fraud management, credit and collections. These initiatives are: a) acquisition of a fraud detection tool b) conversion of the BDO MasterCard and Visa credit cards from magnetic stripe to EMV chip cards with implementation of dynamic password for internet transactions, and c) upgrading the secured loans application processing system and consumer lending collection system. To support business growth nationwide, she has increased her units capacity in identified provinces from Northern Luzon all the way to down to Mindanao. Finally, she is always part of the team to ensure a smooth transitionmigration of accounts of acquired portfolios to the BDO infrastructure. Ms. Shirley M. Sangalang has been Senior Vice President, Office of the Board Audit Committee Adviser of BDO Unibank, Inc. since June 1998. She graduated from the University of the East, Cum Laude with a Bachelors degree in Commerce major in Accounting and completed her Masters in Business Economics at the University of Asia and the Pacific in 2005. She is a Certified Public Accountant who served as Head of BDOs Internal Audit from 1984 to 2007. Prior to working with BDO, she worked at SGV as External Auditor and as Budget and Systems Officer at Summa International Bank. In August 2012, she was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University of Asia and the Pacific Foundation, Inc. (UAPFI). Mr. Gregorio C. Severino has been Senior Vice President, Central Operations Group - Retail Business Process Cluster of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 2014. He has been with the bank since September 1996. Mr. Severino has been in the banking industry for almost 29 years starting in 1986 as an Auditor in United Coconut Planters Bank for 6 years, and for another 4 years in the Information Technology Management of UCPB as a Technical Customer Support Supervisor, and then as the Information Security Officer until 1996. He joined PCIBank in 1996 as the Head of the Electronic Channel Management until 2003, and then as Division Head of the Direct Banking Division of EPCIBank until 2008. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Commerce Major in Accounting from the University of Santo Tomas, and is a Certified Public Accountant. Ms. Ma. Theresa S. Simbul has been Senior Vice President, Head - Branch Banking Group - Region 1 (Northern Luzon) of BDO Unibank, Inc. since June 29, 2013. She was the Area Head of BDOs Pampanga Zambales branches before becoming the Region Head for Northern Luzon. Ms. Simbul was Division Head for Equitable PCIBanks Retail Banking Group Luzon North Personal Banking Division for nine (9) years prior to her stint with BDO. Before the merger of PCIBank with Equitable Bank, Ms. Simbul was the Area Head of PCIBanks Western Luzon Area under the Branch Banking Segment. Ms. Simbul holds a Bachelors degree in Industrial Management Engineering and MBA from the Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Ateneo de Manila University. Mr. Noel B. Sugay has been Senior Vice President, Treasury Group - Foreign Exchange Portfolio Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 27, 2011. He was hired by BDO in 2004 as part of the BDO Private Bank Treasury. He transferred to BDO Universal Bank in 2005 to head the foreign exchange desk in Treasury. Prior to employment in BDO, he was connected with RCBC also as head of the banks foreign exchange trading desk. He graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. Mr. Robert (Sui Gui) W. Sy serves as Senior Vice President and Head - Branch Banking Group - Region 2 (Metro Manila North) of BDO Unibank, Inc. He has been serving the Bank for more than 20 years. Mr. Edwin R. Tajanlangit has been Senior Vice President, and Head - Risk Management Group - Market and Liquidity Risk Management of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 29, 2009. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics with Specialization in Statistics, Magna Cum Laude, from De La Salle University. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charterholder from the CFA Institute, and a Certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM) from the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). He is a former Faculty of De La Salle Universitys Mathematics Department and the Professional Schools Graduate School of Business. He is currently a member of the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) Risk Management Committee and currently heads its Market Risk Sub-Committee. Mr. Arthur L. Tan has been Senior Vice President, Head - Information Technology Group - IT Operations of BDO Unibank, Inc. since May 12, 2008. He joined the Bank in 2002 as Vice President for IT Applications Development and became IT Operations Head in 2003. He was formerly with Accenture as an associate partner in the firms technology practice, working on client projects in the communications and financial services industries. He holds a Bachelors degree in Economics from the University of the Philippines Diliman. Ms. Lorna A. Tan has been Senior Vice President and Chief Executive - BDO Hong Kong Branch of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2012. Ms. Tan had a twenty-three year banking career with Solidbank and Equitable Bank. She joined the Branch Banking Group of BDO Unibank, Inc. in 2002. Ms. Tan holds degrees of Liberal Arts and Bachelor of Science in Commerce from St. Scholasticas College and received her Master in Business Management from Asian Institute of Management. Mr. Federico P. Tancongco has been Senior Vice President - BDO Private Bank Inc - Support ServicesLegal and Compliance of BDO Unibank, Inc. since March 1, 2014. He served as trial attorney and solicitor with the Office of the Solicitor General for six years before joining the Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation where he was Trust Legal Councel for the Trust and Investments Division for twelve years. He also serves as trustee in religious non-profit corporations WorldTeach Ministries Philippines, Inc. and Far East Broadcasting Corporation. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Philosophy and Letters from De La Salle University and a Law degree from the University of the Philippines College of Law. Mr. Reynaldo A. Tanjangco, Jr. has been Senior Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - Corporate Banking Group 1 - Team 3 of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2012. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Engineering from Ateneo de Manila University. Prior to joining BDO, he was the Vice President for Corporate Banking of Banco Santander Philippines, Inc. He also held various positions in Corporate Banking with United Overseas Bank Philippines, Solidbank Corporation and Credit Lyonnais Manila Offshore Office. Mr. Joseph Gerard Dizon Tiamson has been appointed Senior Vice President for the Office of the President, effective on September 16, 2016, at BDO Unibank, Inc. Mr. Tiamson graduated from the Ateneo De Manila University with a degree in Bachelor in Business Management. He has more than twenty (20) years experience in banking industry, occupying various positions. He was a consultant at Philippine Savings Bank since January 2016. He also worked at Deutsche Knowledge Services Pte. Ltd. as the Head of Global Business Services Investment Banking Operations from May 2009 to February 2011 and eventually, as the Head of Talent and Development for Global Technology Operations from January 2012 to December 2015. From March to December 2011, Mr. Tiamson also became the Head of Global Business Services Fixed Income Operations for Asia Pacific of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft. Prior to that, Mr. Tiamson worked with Export and Industry Bank (from July 2006 to April 2009), Standard Chartered Bank (from April 1996 to July 2005), Union Bank of the Philippines (from August 1994 to March 1996) and Citibank, N. A. (from 1987 to July 1994). Mr. Dante R. Tinga, Jr. has been appointed Senior Vice President - Seconded to BDO Nomura Securities, Inc. at BDO Unibank, Inc. with effect from December 16, 2016, after being Seconded to BDO Securities Corporation since June 1, 2016. Mr. Tinga graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor of Arts. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School. He has more than 20 years experience in the banking industry, occupying various positions. He served as Head of Research at Philippine Equity Partners, Inc. from July 2012 to the present. He was also the Head of Research and Strategy at Credit Suisse Securities (Philippines) Inc. from July 2010 to July 2012. Ms. Ma. Mercedes P. Tioseco has been Senior Vice President - Central Operations Group - Customer Contact Center of BDO Unibank, Inc. She is the Head of BDO Customer Contact Center since 2001. She set-up the banks Contact Center in June 2001, which grew steadily, from a staffing of four (4) to a total of 421 Inhouse Customer Service Officers and 230 Outsource Customer Service Representatives to date. It is a multi-channel and multi-site Contact Center that provides customer service support to the banks retail products and electronic banking channels. The Center also provides Telephone Operator Services and Merchant Services (Point-of-Sale). Between 1994 to 2000, she was the Customer Service Division Head of Metrobank Unibancard Corporation and headed Solidbank Corporations Customer Service Center, Branch Administration and Branch Expansion departments, and concurrently held the Customer Service Head Position of Solidcard Corporations Service Department. Prior to her banking career, she worked in Carlos J. Valdes Co. and PCI Capital between 1980 to 1985 and worked as a legal secretaryassistant in various law firms in San Francisco, California from 1985 to 1993. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Commerce Business Management from Assumption College. Ms. Myla Resurreccion Untalan has been Senior Vice President - Digital Infrastructure Services at BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 1, 2016. Ms. Untalan is the Head of Digital Infrastructure Services Unit of the Office of the President. She earned her Bachelors Degree in Commerce, major in Accounting from the University of Santo Tomas. Ms. Untalan has been with the Bank for more than three years and has more than 20 years banking experience. Ms. Rosola A. Vivas has been Senior Vice President and Head - Central Operations Group - Customer Development Unit of BDO Unibank, Inc. since February 2011. Her unit manages and administers BDO Rewards, the Banks loyalty program. Prior to this assignment, she was First Vice President of the Retail Banking Group of the merged Equitable PCI Bank. She joined the Bank as Assistant Vice President for Trust Banking Group of the then Equitable Banking Corporation in July 1997. She was previously connected with the Philippine Stock Exchange, Global Business Bank and the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation. She is a Cum Laude graduate of the University of Santo Tomas with a degree of Bachelors of Arts major in Behavioral Science. She was in the Deans list at the Asian Institute of Management where she obtained her Masters degree in Management. She graduated at the top of her class in Trust Banking and Investment Course and was awarded a scholarship by the Trust Institute Foundation of the Philippines to the National Trust School at the University of Chicago in July 2000. Mr. Edward G. Wenceslao serves as Senior Vice President, Head - Institutional Banking Group - International Desks of BDO Unibank, Inc. From 2007 to 2011, he had supervision and management over three Corporate Banking Teams. He was Group Head of Corporate Banking and a member of the Senior Credit Committee and Small Business Credit Committee of Equitable PCI Bank before the merger with BDO. He started his banking career in 1979 as an Investment Researcher at Insular Bank of Asia and America and became Assistant General Manager of the IBAA-Venture Capital Corporation. At PCI Bank, he was a Division Head at Corporate Banking and concurrently Marketing Head of Electronic Banking. He completed his elementary and high school as well as his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management at the Ateneo de Manila University. He also completed all-academic requirements for his post-graduate studies at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Ateneo de Manila University. Atty. Edmundo L. Tan has been Corporate Secretary of BDO Unibank, Inc. since July 27, 2007. He served as Director until May 29, 2009. He has been Corporate Secretary of BDO Private Bank since February 2012. He was formerly a Director of BDO Leasing Finance, Inc. and now serves as Adviser of the Board. Atty. Tan is a Director and the Corporate Secretary of APC Group, Inc. from 2000 up to the present. He served as Director and Corporate Secretary of Philippine Global Communications, Inc. from 2000 until his resignation as Corporate Secretary in 2010 and Aragorn Power and Energy Corporation from 2005 until his resignation as Corporate Secretary in 2012. He is currently Director of PRC MAGMA Resources, Inc. from (2010 up to the present). He was elected director of OCP Holdings, Inc. in July 2012 and likewise elected as Trustee of Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. (PDRCI) from 2011 up to the present. Atty. Tan is the Managing Partner of Tan Acut Lopez Pison Law Offices from (1993 up to present). He was formerly Senior Partner in Ponce Enrile Cayetano Reyes Manalastas Law Offices, a Partner in Angara Abello Concepcion Regala Cruz Law Offices, and an Associate in Cruz Villarin Ongkiko Academia Durian Law Offices. Mr. Sabino E. Acut, Jr. has been Assistant Corporate Secretary of BDO Unibank, Inc. since July 27, 2007. He is presently a Senior Partner and Head of the Litigation Department of Tan Acut Lopez Pison Law Offices. He was a former Senior Partner and Head of the Litigation Department of Ponce Enrile Cayetano Reyes Manalastas Law Offices (PECABAR) and, before that, a Partner of Angara Abello Concepcion Regala Cruz Law Offices (ACCRA). At various times, he was Corporate Secretary of Boulevard Holdings, Inc. Puerto Azul Golf Country Club, Philippine Hospital Association, and Eastern General Reinsurance Corporation Legal Counsel of Alabang Country Club Trustee of Makati Law Foundation and President of the Legal Management Council of the Philippines. He was Journal Editor of the 1971 Constitutional Convention, Special Assistant to the Director of the Bureau of National and Foreign Information, and Confidential Attorney to former Supreme Court Justice Cecilia Munoz Palma. He is a member of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and the Philippine Bar Association. He is currently a Director of Philippine Global Communications, Inc. He was the Corporate Secretary of the then Equitable PCIB Bank, Inc. until its merger with the Bank. He holds the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, from Mindanao State University Bachelor of Laws, Cum Laude, from the University of the East and Master of Laws from the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Christopher A. Bell-Knight has been reappointed as a Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. effective July 27, 2013. Until his election as Director, Mr. Bell-Knight had been acting as Adviser to the Board of BDO Unibank for more than two (2) years. He had also previously served as Director of BDO Unibank from May 2005 until September 2010. He was an Independent Director of Dumaguete City Development Bank of the Philippines from March 2007 to March 2013. He is currently an Advisor to the Board of Dumaguete City Development Bank of the Philippines. He was formerly a Director of Solidbank Corp. and Vice President and Country Head of The Bank of Nova Scotia. He has had over forty (40) years of banking experience in England, Canada, and Asia of which thirty-five (35) years were spent in credit and marketing. Mr. Bell-Knight is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers British, an Associate of the Institute of Canadian Bankers, and a Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors. He studied at Frome Grammar School, Somerset, England and attended universities both in England and Canada. Atty. Antonio C. Pacis has been Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. since June 25, 2004. He currently serves both BDO and BDO Capital Investment Corporation as a director. He has been in law practice since 1967 counseling bank and corporate clients in the areas of regulatory, business, corporate and trust law, and individuals in the areas of family law and estate planning. In the course of his practice, he has served in various capacities in companies upon invitation of clients. He holds degrees from the Ateneo de Manila University (AB), from the Ateneo School of Law (LLB) and from the Harvard Law School (LLM). Ms. Josefina N. Tan has been reappointed Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. since July 27, 2007. Concurrently, she serves as PresidentDirector of BDO Private Bank, Inc. She is also Chairman of the Board of Miriam College and a Trustee of Development Center for Finance and Laura Vicua Foundation. She was a Director of Banco de Oro Universal Bank from 2001 to August 2005. She was also Executive Vice President of the former Far East Bank Trust Co. Director and President of FEB Leasing Finance Corp. Executive Director and Trustee of FEB Foundation, Inc. and Executive Vice President of FEB Investments, Inc. until 2000. She was a Director of Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. from September 2005 until its merger with BDO in May 2007. Ms. Tan holds a degree of Bachelor of Arts major in Communications Arts from Maryknoll College, and Masters in Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business. Mr. Jose F. Buenaventura has been Independent Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. since April 19, 2013. He is a Senior Partner of the Romulo Mabanta Sayoc de los Angeles Law Offices since 1976. He is President and Director of Consolidated Coconut Corporation. He is likewise Director and Corporate Secretary of 2B3C Foundation, Inc. and Peter Paul Philippines Corporation. He is also a Member of the Board of BDO Securities Corporation (as an independent director), Capital Managers Advisors, Inc. Cebu Air, Inc. (PLC), GROW, Inc. GROW Holdings, Inc. Hicap Properties Corporation, Himap Properties Corporation, La Concha Land Investment Corp. Melco Crown (Philippines)Resorts Corp. (PLC), Philippine First Insurance Co. Inc. Philplans First, Inc. Techzone Philippines, Inc. The Country Club, Inc. Total Consolidated Asset Management, Inc. and Turner Entertainment Manila, Inc. Atty. Buenaventura holds the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the Ateneo de Manila University, and a Master of Laws from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D. C. Mr. Jones M. Castro, Jr. has been Independent Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. since April 20, 2012. Mr. Castro has 42 years of banking expertise, with 32 years of international banking experience. From 2009 to 2011, Mr. Castro was the Area Head for South and Southeast Asia of the Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco. As Area Head, Mr. Castro managed 12 countries, 11 overseas offices, 102 team members and US3 Billion in loans. From 2006 to 2009, Mr. Castro was Regional Head for Latin America 1, including the Caribbean, of the Wachovia Bank, Miami, and managed 25 countries, 3 overseas offices, 30 team members and US1.8 Billion in loans. From 2005 to 2006, he was Executive Vice President and International Banking Group Head of the Union Bank of California, San Francisco. From 1990 to 1994, he was Senior Vice President Controller of Bank of California, San Francisco, and from 1994 to 1997, he was its Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning in Office of the President. Mr. Castro is currently Executive Vice Chairman and Trustee of the PhilDev USA and PhilDev S T, and is a Fellow at the Institute of Corporate Directors. Mr. Castro obtained his Bachelors degree in Applied Mathematics in Economics, Cum Laude, from Harvard University. He received his Masters in Business Administration, Accounting Finance, from Stanford University. Mr. Dioscoro-Roy I. Ramos has been Independent Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. since January 9, 2016. Mr. Ramos is the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of R Y S Investments Ltd. Hong Kong since 2011. He was Head of Asia Financials Investment Research of Goldman Sachs Asia, LLC, Hong Kong from 1994 to 2011 and appointed Managing Director in 1998 and Partner in 2006. Prior to that, he was with Mellon Bank, N. A. with postings in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, and Hong Kong. Mr. Ramos is a Certified Public Accountant. He holds a BS degree in Business Administration and Accountancy, cum laude, from the University of the Philippines and a Masters Degree in Business from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Jimmy T. Tang has been Independent Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. since July 27, 2002. He served as a regular director of BDO from 1984 until his election as independent director. He is the President and Chairman of the Board of the Avesco Group of Companies. He currently serves as Honorary President of the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII) and Honorary Adviser of the Federation of Electrical and Electronics Suppliers and Manufacturers of the Philippines, Inc. (PESA) Chairman Emeritus of PESA Foundation. He also served two terms as the 11th President of FFCCCII. Mr. Tang was the 9th President of PESA and the first Chairman of the PESA Foundation, which he served for seven years. He holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from the Mapua Institute of Technology and was awarded the Top Outstanding Mapuan for Entrepreneurship in 1987. Mr. Gilberto C. Teodoro, Jr. has been Independent Director of BDO Unibank, Inc. since April 25, 2014. He is the Chairman of Sagittarius Mines, Inc. He was formerly Chairman of Suricon Resources Corporation and PNP Foundation, Inc. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Philippine Geothermal Production Company, Incorporated, Canlubang Sugar Estate and member of the Board of Advisors of Seawood Resources, Incorporated. He served as Secretary of National Defense from 2007 to 2009 and was a Member of the Philippine House of Representatives from 1998-2007. He trained under former Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza Esq. and was involved in a wide range of issues constitutional, corporate, criminal, civil, and administrative and in pro-bono work to assist various indigent litigants from 1990 to 1997. Mr. Teodoro holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce, Major in Management of Financial Institutions from the De La Salle University Bachelors degree in Law (LLB) from the University of the Philippines and Masters in Law degree (LLM) from the Harvard Law School, USA. He placed first in the Philippine Bar Examinations of 1989 and was admitted to the State Bar of New York. Reuters adalah divisi berita dan media Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters adalah kantor berita multimedia internasional terbesar di dunia, memberikan berita investasi, berita dunia, berita bisnis, berita teknologi, berita utama, berita bisnis kecil, alert berita, keuangan pribadi, pasar saham, dan informasi reksa dana yang tersedia di Reuters, video, Mobile, dan platform televisi interaktif. Learn more about Thomson Reuters products: Information, analytics and exclusive news on financial markets - delivered in an intuitive desktop and mobile interface Everything you need to empower your workflow and enhance your enterprise data management Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionalsBDO foreclosed properties for sale in Metro Manila updated as of October 20, 2010 Last updated on March 12, 2013 by Jay Castillo Filed Under: Foreclosed Properties 52 Comments Note: The most updated listings of Banco De Oro (BDO) foreclosed properties can be found through this link: BDO foreclosed properties . The listing below is outdated but you may still access it for reference purposes. Here is a listing of Banco De Oro or BDO foreclosed properties . updated as of October 20, 2010 . This particular listing includes BDO foreclosed properties for sale located within Metro Manila. If you are interested in any of the properties and need more details, please leave a comment below so I can refer you to the designated person-in-charge. Dont forget to indicate the propertys location, address, and your correct e-mail address (this wont be shown publicly), when leaving a comment. Other listings that include BDO foreclosed properties from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, properties for joint venture . and repossessed cars are to follow. Sale shall be on as is where is basis. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. All offers are subject to Management approval. Interest rates are based on prevailing rate at time of availment. Lease offers welcome for all condominium units listed except those under With Authority to Sell. Please call for price. Where applicable, prices are exclusive of VAT Note: The most updated listings of Banco De Oro (BDO) foreclosed properties can be found through this link: BDO foreclosed properties . The listing below is outdated but you may still access it for reference purposes. BDO FORECLOSED PROPERTIES FOR SALE (METRO MANILA) Interested in any of the Metro Manila properties for sale from BDO As mentioned above, if you are interested in any of the properties on the list, please leave a comment below so that I can refer you to the designated person-in-charge from BDO. Dont forget to include the location of the property or properties, and their address. Please use a valid e-mail address (your e-mail address will not be shown publicly) when leaving a comment so that I can contact you as regards to your inquiry . You may also directly contact the source of this listing, which is Ms. Mary Jean V. Reyes. Shes the Manager for Metro Manila Sales, Asset Management Group. Her telephone numbers are: 0917-8515802 and 702-7038 . To help ensure you are on the same page, dont forget to mention that you are inquiring about a property from the October 20, 2010 listing posted at ForeclosurePhilippines co Jay Castillo (thats me). To our success and financial freedom Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. PS. Dont be the last to know, subscribe to e-mail alerts and get notified of new listings of bank foreclosed properties, public auction schedules, and real estate investing tips. Mailbox getting full Subscribe through my RSS Feed instead BEFORE YOU BUY A FORECLOSED PROPERTY, YOU NEED TO CONDUCT DUE DILIGENCE Our Property Due Diligence Checklist will help you avoid problematic properties. Grab your free copy now. About Jay Castillo Jay is the owner, founder, and editor-in-chief of The Foreclosure Philippines blog. After several successful real estate deals, he quit his job as I. T. Manager to focus on Real Estate Investing. He is a PRC licensed Real Estate Broker (REB License 3194). Read more Hello, i8217m interested in this property. Could you please email me the details. Thank you Unit 1604, Cityland Pasong Tamo Tower, Chino Roces Ave. Makati City 38.10 1,524,000.00 Unit 1861, Park Avenue Mansion, Park Ave. Pasay City (with Authority to Sell) 26.19 1,200,000.00 Unit 1863, Park Avenue Mansion, Park Ave. Pasay City (with Authority to Sell) 26.19 1,200,000.00 State Centre Condominium, No. 333 Juan Luna corner Ingreso, Reyna and Muelle de Binondo Sts. Binondo, Manila Unit 912 48.66 1,946,400.00 Hi Ma8217am Tess, since this listing was updated in 2010, i would suggest we check the updated list first. We will publish the new list from BDO by tomorrow, February 15, 2013. We are also implementing something so that all listings are pointing to the updated list at any given time, and next in line for this are the listings from BDO. Thank you for the inquiry, we8217ll assist you with the new listing. Hai. i am interested in this property. Pls email me the details, or the contact person in charge. Terima kasih. 10-C Mozart St. Greenville Subd. Tandang Sora, Quezon City 42 88 1,767,000.00 Hi Nancy, I already forwarded your inquiry through e-mail and included you in the recipients. Please confirm if you received a copy of the e-mail. Thanks GOT A LIST OF

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